Firearms Training Rates

On Target offers a variety of training individualized to your circumstances. Before each class, an instructor will speak with you to ascertain your experience level, your basic comfort level, whether you have children in your home, and to determine specifically what you hope to learn by taking one of our courses or seminars. In this way, we are able to make sure that your training covers all of the subject areas that fit your circumstances.

Classes can be conducted at the range, in your home, or for larger groups, in a setting more conducive to large group learning.

Subject Rate Method Class Time Range Time
Utah Bail Enforcement Firearms Certification (Renewal) $150 Per Individual 6 Hours  
Utah Bail Enforcement Firearms Initial Certification Course $200 Per Individual 14 Hours 2 Hours
Personal Carry Course Click here for more info $100 Per individual 3 hours 3 hours
NRA Basic Firearms Safety (Pistol)
$250 Per individual 14 hours 2 hours
NRA FIRST Steps Pistol (Does not qualify for a Utah CFP)
$75 Per individual 3 hours 1 hour
Hourly pistol coaching Click Here to Register Now
$35 Per hour Hourly Hourly
Refuse To Be A Victim® $50 Per Individual 3 hours None.
Child firearm safety seminar (Eddie Eagle)
$50 Per parent and child 3 hours None
Marine Corps LINE Training, Hand to Hand Combat (one on one) $400 Per individual 6 hours None
Marine Corps LINE Training, Hand to Hand Combat (group of 20 or more) $35 Per individual 6 hours None
Groups of 3-10 (FIRST STEPS, pistol)
$70 Per individual 4 hour Half hour
Groups of 10-20 (FIRST STEPS, pistol)
$60 Per individual 4 hour Half hour
Scout troops, church groups, or other civic groups (501(c)(3))
$200 Per class 2 hours None
Above prices are for classes offered at one of our locations. Additional fee of $25 is charged for travel to other locations. Prices do not include ammunition cost which will vary for each firearm. A typical lesson will use 50-100 rounds of ammunition. Ammunition may be purchased from the range or provided by the student for classes.

Students are encouraged to provide their own firearms, but firearms can be provided for those who do not own them. All students must be legally able to own a firearm or must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. All students must pre-register and are required to sign a waiver.

Here is what some of our students have to say:

"Thank you for a great class today. Your information was outstanding. It was interesting to get your insight into this CCP process. Obtaining a CCP has been a longstanding goal of mine. I am glad I took this course from On Target. I will make sure I refer all who are interested in a CCP to your program. I have signed up for your Advanced class on March 19th. Thanks again for your professionalism and seriousness of this subject. "

Roger K. Mickels
St. George, UT,

"Great course, great job.  Sandy and I learned a lot and enjoyed ourselves too.  Thanks also to Amy for the balance she brought to the class and for being on the range with us.  The course is absolutely worth the $75.  Actually, you can feel free to raise the price. Especially if you’re providing donuts and coffee."

Al Mears
McClean, VA

"I just wanted to thank you for the excellent pistol training that you gave to my daughter and I. We came into the time knowing very little as you know. Your training of the basics and safety was very thorough. What I particularly appreciated was your experience and being able to give my daughter and I additional information on handling the firearm and position that were unique for our individual body types.

"It was also great to be trained with a number of different calibers and both revolvers and semi-automatics. Your help with stance and aiming made both of us feel that we could use a firearm effectively. We came away with much better understanding of different types of ammo and dealing with hang/mis-fires etc...

"Throughout the training you were very observant and customized the training. We came away with a full and complete training, thank you for the personal effort you put into the time."

Jeff and Ciara Thornhill
Ashburn, VA

The cost of ignorance is far higher than the price of our training.

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Dan Kidder • BCI/ NRA Certified Instructor • (435) 868-8919 • Cedar City, UT
Self Defense, training, firearms, guns, knives, fighting, tactics, Utah, Cedar City, St. George, Southern Utah, Marine Corps, Special Operations, weapon, pepper spray, Defensive Training